Date - 22/02/2020
13:30 - 15:30
A&S Bücherland
- Niels
- Jehanzeb Mirza
- Dino
Join us this month as we examine…idleness! Idleness represents both a coveted luxury (idleness as spare time), yet also carries a stigma few are willing to claim without risking judgment (idleness as laziness).
By contrast, somewhere on our journeys into adulthood, busy-ness became not only accepted, but encouraged and even celebrated. The inevitable attrition of idleness became normalised and any talk of ‘free time’ became acceptable only relative to how hard we have worked to deserve it.
How do our ideas around idleness influence the way we conduct our daily lives? What are these ideas telling us? How were they formed and dare we question them? During this event, we will deconstruct the concept of idleness and consider whether, as author Tom Hodgkinson suggests, “We need to rediscover the pleasurable, harmless and completely cost-free pleasures of simply doing nothing in particular”.
*** Please note our new start time at 13:30 ***
Saturday, 22 February 2020
13:30 – 15:30
Optional background reading:
(1) https://edition.cnn.com/2011/OPINION/05/26/uk.idler.hodgkinson.vacation/index.html (<5 minute read)
(2) Chapter 2, “9am Toil and Trouble” from this book: https://libcom.org/files/[Tom_Hodgkinson]_How_To_Be_Idle(Bookos.org).pdf (15 minute read)
Venue information
A&S Bücherland have kindly agreed to host this conversation. Attendees are encouraged to make a 5€ contribution to assist with the venue’s running costs.
A&S Bücherland | Rintheimer Str. 19 | 76131 Karlsruhe
Venue access:
* If you are taking public transport, the nearest tram stop is Karl-Wilhelm-Platz
* Drivers, most (but not all!) street parking on Rintheimer Strasse is free on Saturdays
* A disability access ramp is available from Rintheimer Strasse but not from Haid-Und-Neu Strasse
Image credit: Photo by Noralí Emilio on Unsplash
Bookings are closed for this event.